Now I have a less than $2 solution and I stocked (or "socked") up on them!! You just buy ladies funky socks, cut off the feet part, and then roll the rough edge. Ta-dah...instant cute baby leggings! I bought 9 pairs that were on Clearance at Target the other day (they came in packages of 3 so REALLY I only bought 3 sets).
I decided to take a shot of my favorites for Valentine's Day in this nifty pop-up cube that's intended for product shots. Now, before you think I just like to blow my money on anything photography related, let me stress that this was a free gift with my tuition to the New York Institute of Photography 1 1/2 years ago. And it was just about time that I took it out of the wrapper! Though, to be honest, I really prefer looking at the leggings next to cute butt cheeks!

I have done the same "thrifty" approach to the baby legs, except I have put them on my pre-school girls. The are adorable and we always get tons of compliments!