Last night I found a new blog for photographers called
Two Photogs. They have totally awesome stuff for photographers and I became an instant fan! I also saw that they were having an "inspiration challenge" to take pics with something other than a DSLR. Well, that sounded just about perfect for my Day 32 photo because who couldn't use a little inspiration?? Unfortunately, I only own a DSLR. Oh yeah, and that iPhone I got last week!! I found some cool apps that did old instamatic type images and ones that even give you pretty good blur! Who Knew?! Heck who needs a DSLR, anyway? Alright...I still do BUT this is a great tool to have and I couldn't be happier. I've been saying for years that I wanted a point and shoot for the everyday "snapshots" that I miss bc my camera is just too big to lug around. Now that I have my iPhone, I know that I can have some real iFun! Yey!!
I told you it would be different today!
These images are all untouched from the iPhone...
Check out that blur:

And isn't this a cool little App for the kiddos?? It turns photos into lego designs! This is our easel. Not an exciting subject but I still like the outcome.
God Lord, Kelly. Is that blur from your lens? Not from photoshop? Wow. That is AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteLove the color from the phone too. Reminds me of a poloroid, but maybe that's also the way you are presenting the images. Is that frame a digi thing?
The first two shots used an App called Hipstamatic. They are straight ouft of the camera/app like that. The blur/vignetting on the third one is from an app called TiltShiftGen. It takes the picture normally but then lets you select what range you want in focus and blurs the rest. Cool, eh? You can also modify the color/saturation/brightness. It's like a mini-photoshop right on the iPhone. love it!
ReplyDeleteOh, and the last one is called Lego Photo.
ReplyDeleteYour lego-loving kids would love that one! I think you could actually recreate the image in real lego's using what comes out of it. Wouldn't that be a cool picture??!!