Monday, March 8, 2010

Project 365 - Day 67. JUMP!! | Waukesha Senior Photography

The contest at {i heart faces} this week is Jump!  I actually have kids jump quite a bit to loosen them up in a session but I couldn't think of a shot that I loved from history so I decided to go for a new one.  Of course the kids would love to jump on the bed or off of something....anything, really.  But today felt like spring and the idea hit me early that there may actually be some activity down at the local skate park.  I thought about it all day.  So I got dinner in the oven early, grabbed the kids off the bus, loaded everyone including my crying 16 month old into the van and headed to the park.  And, yippee....there was action!  I sat in my car for nearly 10 minutes deciding if I had the nerve to go ask these guys if I could take their photo but finally I got up the nerve.  All 5 of us walked up to the group of very cool kiddos and asked if I could get a pic!  They were more than happy to oblige and I'm so happy to say that I actually got the exact shot I was looking for!  Yey!  I had to do it with Emma in my arms but I'm getting pretty good at that one handed shooting these days.  

I've determined that my style with kids is generally very simple and clean.  Textures and funky colors are fun but don't really evoke the emotions that I look for when i shoot.  I enjoy them but they're not my favorite to create.  Todays shot, though, begged for an urban, edgy feel and it was really fun to play outside my usual sandbox!   

Thanks to the guys who were great skateboarders and great sports! 

See more great JUMP photos at:


  1. That is a really cool shot. Great job.

  2. whoa! what a great capture! nice

  3. Oh, you are right about the texture and urban feel being dead on for this shot! What great height and crisp focus!

  4. Love this shot!! great timing!!

  5. Very cool shot, I bet the boy would love it. I think it's awesome you had an idea and went for it, a lot of times we settle for whatever is easiest, but as you can see effort pays off! Nice entry!
