Of course, with the rewards come the risks. My oldest FB friend (in time known, not age), is a girl I knew when I was two. We moved away from that town when I was 7 so there were few people I kept in touch with and she and I did actually lose touch between the ages of 7 and 17 but were reconnected when I applied to the same college that she was attending. We were friendly through college and then lost touch again until fb. Did I mention that I love facebook? Anyway, yesterday she posted a preschool picture. I was a year younger but still in her class because my mom was the teacher. Check it out...
I only recognized me, my mom, my sister, the gal who posted it (Andrea) and one other guy who was a neighbor and whose mom was like a 2nd mom to me so we've stayed in touch over the years. The rest? Complete strangers. No CLUE who they are and even with the Tags I don't recognize the names or have any recollection. Makes me realize that I'm probably not scarring my little ones as much as I think I am. :-)
What really struck me about the photo though was that when I looked at me, I saw Emma! Emma is a good year-plus younger than I was in this photo but I still see her when I look at it. It's the area around the eyes and nose. Today, I asked my son to pick me out of the group. The first one he picked was my sister. The second was me. I asked why he said that and he said because I looked like Lilly. We generally hear that the kids look like Rob so it's nice to know there's a bit of a resemblance anyway!! What do you think??
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