The Illustrations Photography Blog has a new and improved look (and location) but all the same great photos and information! Please come check it out....
See ya there......
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Project 365 - Day 192. Da Boys | Delafield Family Photography
Rob and I are both transplants to Wisconsin (courtesy of GE) but we've been here long enough for it to feel a lot like home. The biggest drawback to the area is the distance to our siblings and all of their kids (and grandkid). We REALLY miss having that kind of family around and feel badly that our children aren't growing up with day to day interactions with their cousins.
When our nephew Ryan decided to come to Marquette last year, we were thrilled! Of course, he's a typical college student and busy with his studies, his footy (soccer) and his friends but we still love to know that he's nearby. He came to spend 4th of July with us and this weekend had Corey over for a boys weekend. They went to see Star Wars in concert, played tons of Wii, stayed up later than Corey's EVER stayed up and had a great 'ol time. It was really special for Corey and for us. We can't imagine a better role model for our kids and we're so blessed to have Ryan around. Now if we could only get the rest of the family to join him.....
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Project 365 - Day 191. Art in the Park | Delafield Event Photography
Today I photographed the Lake Country Art Festival. It's a huge event with loads of arts, crafts, and family fun. I took pictures of the workers (the Lake Country Women's Club members), the art, the parking...but my favorites, as always, were the pictures of the kids.... It was a hot, steamy day but a lot of fun!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Project 365 - Day 190. Bon Soir! | Wisconsin Event Photography
Rob and I went on a mini vacation tonight. First we headed to Mexico (ok, so it was La Fuente) for a yummy meal outside and then we headed to Paris (ok, so it was the Bastille Days Festival). Maybe not as glamorous as it could have been but hey....we did make it outside our area code so that must count as some kind of vacation, right???
In case you're wondering where that was taken...
See, I TOLD you we went to Paris!
Chalk artwork on the street:
This used to be one of Corey & Lilly's "Music Together" teachers, Mr. Will. He also does folk performing with a guy on a washboard. We've seen them before in Delafield but were surprised to spot them on the big stage in, Bastille Days.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Project 365 - Day 189. Good Bye PB | Delafield Children's Photographer
This past week or so has been just a crazy, crazy time. Between house renting, catching up on editing, kids schedules,'s just felt a bit more stressful and heavy than usual.
One of my big underlying stressors is probably not a huge deal in the big scheme of things but seems big to me. Peanut Butter. Ya see...last Friday, Emma grabbed a piece of Lilly's sandwich off her plate and had a bite. It was PB&J. She immediately started acting funny...making gaggy type noises, grabbing at her tongue, refusing to drink, and getting red splotches all over her face. Very weird. After calls to my friend and the on-call nurse, we decided I was ok this time but it seems there's a strong likelihood that Emma is allergic to peanuts. :-(
I now have an Epipen and an appointment with an allergist. But the major more peanut butter. son regularly eats THREE peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and Clare and Lilly choose PB&J 6 out of 7 days a week for their lunch. Not to mention the fact that I am not a dieter or a health food nut so I've never been a label reader and am totally clueless about how to protect my baby. I'm trying not to think too much about it until the appointment (the 26th) but it's been hard. Safety First is my mantra and the idea that she's living in an unsafe environment and will have all these extra dangers in the world really makes me sad. And scared.
One of my big underlying stressors is probably not a huge deal in the big scheme of things but seems big to me. Peanut Butter. Ya see...last Friday, Emma grabbed a piece of Lilly's sandwich off her plate and had a bite. It was PB&J. She immediately started acting funny...making gaggy type noises, grabbing at her tongue, refusing to drink, and getting red splotches all over her face. Very weird. After calls to my friend and the on-call nurse, we decided I was ok this time but it seems there's a strong likelihood that Emma is allergic to peanuts. :-(
I now have an Epipen and an appointment with an allergist. But the major more peanut butter. son regularly eats THREE peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and Clare and Lilly choose PB&J 6 out of 7 days a week for their lunch. Not to mention the fact that I am not a dieter or a health food nut so I've never been a label reader and am totally clueless about how to protect my baby. I'm trying not to think too much about it until the appointment (the 26th) but it's been hard. Safety First is my mantra and the idea that she's living in an unsafe environment and will have all these extra dangers in the world really makes me sad. And scared.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Project 365 - Day 188. House For Rent | Delafield Family Photographer
I had an agenda for the day. It started to camp, Emma to bed, complete client gallery from last week, pick up Clare, feed kids, pick up Epipen (a story for another day), pick up Corey and Lilly, feed more kids, get kids down for rest, comple.....SCCCRRREEEAAACCCHHHH.
Then the phone rang. And rang. And rang. Turns out Rob put a listing on Craigs List today for our old house which our renters are moving out of at the end of the month. The rest of my day....all about Meadowside Ct. I went over tonight and did two showings and got two applications! Fingers crossed that one of them is a winner!
In the meantime...if you know anyone interested in renting a lovely house.....
Then the phone rang. And rang. And rang. Turns out Rob put a listing on Craigs List today for our old house which our renters are moving out of at the end of the month. The rest of my day....all about Meadowside Ct. I went over tonight and did two showings and got two applications! Fingers crossed that one of them is a winner!
In the meantime...if you know anyone interested in renting a lovely house.....
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Project 365 - Day 187. Will Power | Delafield Children's Photography
One of our regular family things to do in the summer is to take a walk around our neighborhood. We live at the top of the hill and to do the circle loop is quite a challenge of ups and downs (particularly for the 7 and under crowd). Tonight Lilly rode her scooter around for the first time. Scared the crap out of me! She's much braver than I am, that's for sure! We brought the wagon for Clare and Emma but Clare was more interested in pulling than riding. It was pretty impressive what she did manage to do and even more impressive how committed she was to pulling that big 'ol wagon up those hills!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Project 365 - Day 186. Having Fun! | Racine Event Photography
Ok...I must admit that I'm not great at taking photos of my family when we go to events because, as I describe it to my hubby, I have trouble actually taking photos while still being in the moment. I don't have a point and shoot camera so even my version of snapshots are RAW images shot in Manual Mode. I have to think about the light and my settings every time I press that shutter (except for my occasional iPhone shots!).
This weekend (with the exception of the fireworks), I've taken my "old" camera. It's a DSLR (a Nikon D70) and I was always very happy with it. It's not as fancy or as high quality as my D700 but I recommend it to people all the's a GREAT camera! I consider it my "back up" now though and rarely use it but because we were going on the boat the other day and then to a busy parade today, I opted to go for it. I also have a less high quality but very versatile lens on it which make it easier for on the go. Well, I really loved using it again. There's something about it to me that I actually like more and I'm going to have to figure out exactly what that is but regardless I found myself having fun taking these pictures AND staying in the moment! You may just be seeing more from this camera on 365....
Some shots from us at the Racine Parade:
Fun Day...Long Weekend....Tired Family!!!
This weekend (with the exception of the fireworks), I've taken my "old" camera. It's a DSLR (a Nikon D70) and I was always very happy with it. It's not as fancy or as high quality as my D700 but I recommend it to people all the's a GREAT camera! I consider it my "back up" now though and rarely use it but because we were going on the boat the other day and then to a busy parade today, I opted to go for it. I also have a less high quality but very versatile lens on it which make it easier for on the go. Well, I really loved using it again. There's something about it to me that I actually like more and I'm going to have to figure out exactly what that is but regardless I found myself having fun taking these pictures AND staying in the moment! You may just be seeing more from this camera on 365....
Some shots from us at the Racine Parade:
And some shots of Rob's buddy's kids:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Project 365 - Day 185. Firework Frenzy! | Pewaukee Event Photography
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! We spent the evening on Pewaukee Lake and were treated to a mix of Delafield's fireworks and an extremely impressive home show. Very fun!
I got very different shots shooting the Delafield fireworks from a distance over the lake.....
Hope you all had great celebrations, too! We're off to the Racine Parade tomorrow so look forward to some parade shots....
I got very different shots shooting the Delafield fireworks from a distance over the lake.....
And the smaller (but fantastic) fireworks very close over my head!
Hope you all had great celebrations, too! We're off to the Racine Parade tomorrow so look forward to some parade shots....
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Project 354 - Day 184. On The Water | Okauchee Family Photographer
We had a really nice afternoon out on Okauchee Lake. We don't get out on boats often so it's a real treat for all of us. It was fun to see two of my client's homes from a different perspective, too!
My mom, Corey, Lilly and Clare braved the waters...Rob and I stayed dry with sleepy Emma.
And this was our Captain...Mom's friend, Lary, who graciously hosted us for the afternoon and gave us a great tour of the lake!! Fun day and now lots of tired kids (and grown-ups) around...
My mom, Corey, Lilly and Clare braved the waters...Rob and I stayed dry with sleepy Emma.
And this was our Captain...Mom's friend, Lary, who graciously hosted us for the afternoon and gave us a great tour of the lake!! Fun day and now lots of tired kids (and grown-ups) around...
Friday, July 2, 2010
Project 365 - Day 183. An American Girl | Hartland Children's Photography
Today I got to spend some time with this sweet girl. She's a classmate of Corey's and just as nice as can be. I really enjoyed getting to know her and her Mom better. Thanks, Angie!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Project 365 - Day 182. The Little Black Book | Wisconsin Boudoir Photography
I'm just going to share one quick pic today because I'm hosting Bunco tonight and after a few drinks and lots of laughs, I'm not sure I'll be up for it later.
I'm going to share some more in a later post but here's a quick sneak peek of the Boudoir Album I got delivered today. This is an upgrade from the The Little Black Book client opted for a custom cover. Love it!
I'm going to share some more in a later post but here's a quick sneak peek of the Boudoir Album I got delivered today. This is an upgrade from the The Little Black Book client opted for a custom cover. Love it!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Project 365 - Day 181. Our Summer Ritual | Delafield Children's Photography
I definitely do NOT have a green thumb. I've mentioned this before but just in case you've's true. There are no live plants in my house. Hence my immense pride in my veggies. Last year I attempted hanging flowers didn't end well.
This year I tried again.'s just two plants and they look so nice! How hard could it be!? I'm taking this commitment VERY seriously because there is no doubt in my mind that if I kill these off before school is back in session that I will definitely be cut off from purchasing any annuals ever again!
So each day I take my little helpers (Clare and Emma) and we the girls have some nice watering time while I deadhead my plants. I'm proud to say that after about 4 weeks, they are going strong!!!! YEY! And the girls and I have some nice times with it too so that makes it all worth it!
This year I tried again.'s just two plants and they look so nice! How hard could it be!? I'm taking this commitment VERY seriously because there is no doubt in my mind that if I kill these off before school is back in session that I will definitely be cut off from purchasing any annuals ever again!
So each day I take my little helpers (Clare and Emma) and we the girls have some nice watering time while I deadhead my plants. I'm proud to say that after about 4 weeks, they are going strong!!!! YEY! And the girls and I have some nice times with it too so that makes it all worth it!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Project 365 - Day 179. Whatever Makes You Happy | Delafield Children's Photography
Today was ALL about Photoshop! I made my first boudoir album and WOW if it doesn't look great! I don't toot my own horn often but I must admit that I'm very proud of this and SOOOO wish I could share it with everyone! Unfortunately, you're just going to have to trust me.
Here's my little wonder-girl who (at 20 months) can now count to 10! NO IDEA who taught her that but I'm very proud. Anyway...she has a ton of personality and really loves a lot of things. One of them is umbrella's. I can't explain it but she's a Huge fan.
So, here she is hanging out in the car with her Thomas Umbrella.
Just another day with the Johnsen's.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Project 365 - Day 178. To Each Her Own - A Sneak Peek | Delafield Children's Photography
You may remember this family...they've been blogged before here.
Today we were after an outdoor family shoot. I think they are a GREAT example of What To Wear to a family portrait session! Mom wanted to keep it casual (which I love) and went for personality. The older daughter is all about horses and the younger daughter chose her favorite dress. Mom and Dad wore stuff that matched but are also something you would catch them wearing on a Sunday afternoon. I think they look fantastic!

Thanks, Kathi! Lots more great ones to come....
Today we were after an outdoor family shoot. I think they are a GREAT example of What To Wear to a family portrait session! Mom wanted to keep it casual (which I love) and went for personality. The older daughter is all about horses and the younger daughter chose her favorite dress. Mom and Dad wore stuff that matched but are also something you would catch them wearing on a Sunday afternoon. I think they look fantastic!

Thanks, Kathi! Lots more great ones to come....
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Project 365 - Day 177. Caught In The Act | Delafield Children's Photography
Maybe it's the shifty eyes. Maybe it's the fact that he has twice as many chips on the board as his opponent. Maybe it's the extra cards he's hoarding next to him.
Not sure what it is, but something tells me this boy is cheating.....
Not sure what it is, but something tells me this boy is cheating.....
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