I'm going live! I've been thinking about and working towards this photography as a small business for about a year now and still hadn't come up with a great way to share the photos that I took at my sessions so my solution...get the website now. It feels premature to have a business website when I'm still trying to build my portfolio but the more I researched sites, the more I realized that loads of other people are doing the same thing. It also made me realize that my photos aren't too bad. :-) I mean, there are plenty of photographers out there that I hope to learn from and aspire to be like when I grow up, but there are also quite a few out there who seem a lot less prepared than me, too. I think I just need to work a bit on my confidence for now. So...I got a website. It's going live today and I've already loaded my first client proofs on there from a session I did last week. I have to work on my other galleries but I'm sure I'll be inspired now that I have a nice place to put them. Fingers crossed.

Here are some photos from the maternity shoot. Casey is due next week and was really fun to shoot. She was so adventurous and a natural model. She makes a beautiful mom-to-be. Can't wait to meet the little guy/gal living inside....won't be long now!